Friday, October 25, 2013

Active Volunteer Campaign

It’s no secret that we are in great need of new Hyde Shuttle volunteer drivers in Burien and Des Moines/Normandy Park (and could use additional volunteer divers in Shoreline as well).  I’m hesitant to use the term “crisis,” but the situation is certainly far from ideal.  There are often times during which the shuttles are unable to operate because of holes in the weekly driver schedules-- forcing seniors and folks with disabilities to scramble to find other ways to get to their necessary errands and outings.
But we’re working very hard to turn this gloomy state of affairs around!  We recently kicked off our Active Volunteer Campaign to reach new potential volunteers looking for an enjoyable and meaningful way to spend their time.  This recruitment venture highlights the many diverse interests and hobbies of our volunteers.  Brady from Des Moines kindly agreed to step in as our model volunteer driver, and the flyers feature Brady taking part in a variety of activities—from playing tennis, to drinking lattes, to playing Frisbee, to playing his guitar, to riding his motorcycle.  (Residents of Burien, Des Moines, Normandy Park, and Shoreline, please look out for them around town!). 

The text of the flyers states the following: “Our volunteer drivers live active, full lives, and the Hyde Shuttles ensure that seniors and folks with disabilities can live active lives as well.  Whatever your interests, hobbies, or passions, you can make a difference.  Come join Brady and our team of valuable and compassionate Hyde Shuttle volunteers to give back to the Burien community!  It will become your new favorite pastime.”
May this message reach the right people; may we soon be blessed with an overabundance of volunteer Hyde Shuttle drivers ready to add a new helpful, worthwhile diversion to their busy schedules!
Friday, October 18, 2013

Fun and Games

A Reflection by Hilary
We here at Senior Services’ Transportation Program take our jobs very seriously, but there’s a lighter side to our work as well.   One of my recent enjoyable experiences took place as I braved a full day of heavy rain to represent our organization at the Spokes for Folks festivities in Seattle.

People of all ages did not mind getting wet as they stopped by my booth to learn more about our transportation programs and the myriad of other Senior Services programs, as well as our need for more volunteer drivers.  A few current clients of Volunteer Transportation and the Hyde Shuttles stopped by to express their appreciation for these services, and other visitors entered my tent out of pure curiosity.  In addition, our “Pin the Key on the Ignition” game was a huge success.

My time is often controlled by the not-so-fun reality that we are short volunteer drivers, but I always value these rare outreach opportunities.  Rain or shine, I love interacting with our community and talking about the good work that we do!
Friday, October 4, 2013

Client Profile: Mary Lou B.

This week’s post features another testimonial from a 77-year-old woman who knows are programs well.  Here is what she recently shared with us:

“I use both the Hyde Shuttle and Volunteer Transportation programs.  I don’t know what I’d do without these services.  I used to drive everywhere as a social worker caring for mentally ill veterans, but you never know what shocks life has in store for you.  I got very sick a few years ago.  Everyone thought I was going to die.  After spending 7 months in the hospital, I remarkably survived.  Even the doctors were shocked when I came out of it alive.  However, I was no longer able to work or drive.  I now depend on these forms of transportation and can’t say enough good about them.
The drivers are delightful and have made me feel so much better about losing my independence…  They are absolutely wonderful!”

*Mary Lou B., regular Hyde Shuttle and Volunteer Transportation client

Her story echoes that of many other clients who unexpectedly have to stop driving after overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles.  As always, we are humbled and inspired as we learn the stories of Mary Lou and others like her who have beat the odds and triumphed in the face of adversity.

About Me

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“Behind the Wheel” offers stories, reflections, news and updates about Sound Generations’ (formerly Senior Services') Transportation Program. Throughout King County, our inspiring volunteers provide needed mobility to local seniors, supporting them in their efforts to remain independent, healthy, and happy. Please drop by to read more about the unique experiences of our volunteers, clients and staff!
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