Friday, February 14, 2014

Appointment Arrival Part I: The Drop Off

Although our volunteer drivers make it seem like a seamless and effortless process, a ride with the Volunteer Transportation program entails multiple steps—starting when the volunteer driver first arrives for the pick-up and ending when he/she ensures that the client is home safe and sound again.  I recently had the opportunity to observe one stage of the process: the appointment arrival.   I really enjoyed meeting-up with several volunteer driver/client pairs as they were in their “natural habitat” (medical facilities).  This week begins my three-part photo series documenting these brief experiences

I caught Reta (volunteer) and Fern (client) just as they were pulling-up for Fern’s appointment on Capitol Hill.
Reta skillfully let Fern off at the front of the building, ensuring that she could easily enter without having to walk a lengthy distance.
Fern was soon ready to go!  Reta and Fern reported that they have gotten to know each other well because they’ve shared many rides together.

This was just one quick moment of time in a day in the life of a volunteer driver (stay tuned for more in the upcoming weeks!).  It was fun to see such a kind and effective driver in action.


About Me

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“Behind the Wheel” offers stories, reflections, news and updates about Sound Generations’ (formerly Senior Services') Transportation Program. Throughout King County, our inspiring volunteers provide needed mobility to local seniors, supporting them in their efforts to remain independent, healthy, and happy. Please drop by to read more about the unique experiences of our volunteers, clients and staff!
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